I walk the road that runs in front of my house every morning or evening. Part of the road is paved and down past a corner, it becomes a dirt road. Even though a train track runs parallel with it and the highway beside that, it is very peaceful. I love walking out in nature and hearing the birds talking to each other. This is a picture of the dirt road part. You will see in the pictures below, a sampling of the piles of trash thrown on the side of the road. This bothers me everytime I take a walk and I keep thinking I need to clean it up. Dusty and I started the other day by picking up drink cans that we will take to recycle.
Dusty helped crush the cans so we could get more in our bag. It helps to do this before stockpiling anyway. We put them all in a barrel until it's full, then dump them in the trunk of the car to take to the recycling plant.
Dusty keeps thinking he can find something useful. Most of the time, it's all just trash.
This is me holding the bag as usual. Since I did most of the work, shouldn't I get the money from recycling these?
This is just a sampling of the trash along the road. I'm feeling very compelled to get all of this picked up. The road would look and feel so much nicer without all this to look at.
This is one of the bigger piles of trash that I dread picking up. This could be 2-3 bags worth. Oh, but wouldn't it be nice to take a walk without seeing this!
Other than the numerous piles of trash, we also found two piles of scallop shells. What can I do with these?
That's such a pretty spot, it's so nice of you to look after it.