Sunday, January 29, 2012

OK, So What!

Ok, so things haven't worked out so great here. Little did I know people could be so off their rocker. This was just a temporary move anyway while we searched for the permanent one. Well, we found it. Right back in the same area we were a couple of years ago, only a little further down the lane. No pics yet, maybe in a couple of days. We can't move in until April and I'm chewing my nails off trying to wait till then! It's ironically a place I wanted a while back but couldn't have because it was not for sale. I wished really hard and now it's mine! Who knew?!

Okay, now for a peak at what I've been working on the past few days. I've gotten into this upcycling frenzy lately and while waiting to move I've been trying to get stuff made out of all this mess I've been hoarding. Literally, I can't walk thru my crafting shed! No pictures please! These last two, or is it three?, days I've been cutting up old jeans of my sons and making jewelry, ornaments and whatever else. Here are a couple of things so far. No, there's more, just have to take pics today.

The top pic is a keychain, fringed denim with
a rose attached. The one to the side is a necklace
with a denim chain and fringe. Both are available on
my WildPinkRosesWear shop on etsy.

I've made a vow to post something everyday
on here, be it silly or purposeful. So, you may see pet pictures, projects, family members, outings, oh so many different things. Tell me what you like best and I'll give you more of the same. Until tomorrow, toodle-loo!

Craft The Life You Want!

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